December 16, 2002
Timeless Weblogs

Dave is pondering again about Timeless Weblogs

Around 2 years ago, I had a feature request

I have realised it on my own in 2 ways

1. World Wide Wisdom
2. Karmasaya based on phpwiki

I have been using it since a few months and I am happy with it. See what I have come across on the net in 2002 and importantly... what I wanted to remember

Thanks to Aaron Swartz, who cured my starting trouble by stating "Do it yourself!"

Demo or Die!

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 09:54 AM
October 31, 2002
slashdotted, diveintomarked, scriptingnewsed !

Similar to slashdot effect - are there other terms: "diveintomarked", "scriptingnewsed" etc. ?

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 07:17 AM
October 30, 2002
What is the question ?

I had a question for Mark Pilgrim and the answer is ...I do this to weed out public portal pages from my “further reading” lists (not exactly the same problem, but similar)... (Club vs. Lojack solutions)

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 11:07 PM
October 22, 2002
RSS Validator

Does your RSS validate?
RSS Valid ! - Yes !

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 05:39 PM
September 07, 2002
Ken Wilber would be a good weblogger

From HeartSpace: What's New? Spiritual Essays, Poems, travels, etc. : "Ken Wilber: I think any time you have a state that offers liberation from life's suffering, it's relevant. I don't think anybody would want to forgo a capacity for great liberation, including somebody in the modern world. The difficulty, of course, is how then do you bring that into the everyday world in a way that has some sort of relevance. I think that's where the general notion of the bodhisattva tends to make a great deal of sense,. Which is namely, you, after thoroughly realizing the formless state of nirvana, bring that realization to bear on every form that arises. The impulse that accompanies that is something known as compassion. So the driving force becomes, "I have been fortunate enough to find some kind of liberation, freedom, fullness in my own being. How can I communicate that to others in a way that benefits them?"

It's not very different than somebody came along to you and gave you a billion dollars. Most people's initial impulse is, "I'm going to share that with some other people that need it." It's the same thing if you get a really profound awakening experience. It's not, "Oh, I'm going to get away from the world," it's "Oh, somebody gave me a billion dollars. I'm going to go out and share it." And that's generally what happens with people who have that kind of realization. They are moved, in a very very profound way, to share the wealth. And that's what happens. "

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 11:01 AM
September 02, 2002
Targeted Serendipity

Targeted Serendipity - Weblogs aren't just glorified pages of links and rambling personal sites; they are an antidote to mass media. According to the author of "The Weblog Handbook," Rebecca Blood, blogs are also bringing creative expression to everyday people when they need it most.

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 07:21 PM
Manufactured Serendipity

I searched for "Why I weblog" and found Manufactured Serendipity

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 07:17 PM
August 25, 2002
Eight Tips on using HTML and constructing Web pages

ICYouSee: Hints for HTML and Web Authoring : "Tip 2 : Figure out your purpose in life. Or at least figure out the purpose of your Web site. You might ask yourself these questions: What do you want to say? Who do you intend your audience to be? Do you have enough to offer to make a Web site worth your while to create and worth someone's while to look at it, return to, and recommend to a friend. "

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 08:19 PM
How to Write a Better Weblog

Dennis A. Mahoney : A List Apart: How to Write a Better Weblog

[ Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 08:17 PM
Why I Weblog

Inspiration : Brad L. Graham : The BradLands: Why I Weblog

I document what I learn from the mistakes of other people. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.

I weblog to make Google's pagerank algorithm work better for future users !

[ Articles , Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 08:13 PM
August 23, 2002
10 Tips on Writing the Living Web

(via Mark Pilgrim) Mark Bernstein : A List Apart: 10 Tips on Writing the Living Web

[ Articles , Weblogging ] Posted by kishore at 11:24 AM