Never stop learning

Friday, December 22, 2006

The Silver Keyboard

Steve Yegge in I take it all back! Send me your money! : ..So when you meet a werewolf: some project or task you're saddled with that threatens your livelihood, what can you do? Lacking a silver bullet, all you have is your own two hands. You grab your silver keyboard and start bashing away. That is to say, you roll up your sleeves and you do the work..

Using/Testing( and Freedback for) the Blogger's new bag of tricks)

1) It seems that only the index page's file name is configurable from blogger.html to something else (like ending with php). What about the label pages. I donot see howto change label.html to label.php

Google : "Feature requests will not receive responses, but we will use the information submitted to gauge interest levels and to guide Blogger's future development."

me : Why not ?

1.5) (Bonus) Let me see feedback I submitted and also rating of usefulness by Googlers - Internally Google could use scriptaculous and let employees order freedback and freedbackers could be shown this sorted list.. something like - freedback

2) On the "Set Displayed Blogs" why does "It may take a few minutes for your profile to update."

3) When "Publishing is in Process", instead of the Exclamation icon, a WIP icon would be better !

4) In compose mode, text in angled brackets leads to issues - E.g., type LESS-THANtextGREATER-THAN.html blah blbh blch and try to change blch to bldh ! - Am not able to reproduce issue..

5) I donot get the default "I power Blogger" button - Would "Powered by Blogger" be more meaningful ?

6) Is it so difficult to allow me to enter *Links* in a separate field like blog-title or blog-description instead of the current *search in the template and replace the Edit-me with something more meaningful* methodology !
