-> Karmasaya -> Lyrics > Mokshamu Galada

pallavi mokshamu galadA bhuvilo jeevanmukthulugAni vAralaku

anupallavi sAkshAthkAra nee sadbhakthi samgItha jnjAna vihinulaku

charaNam prANAnala samyOgamu valla praNava nAdamu sapthasvaramulai baraga vINA vAdana loludau Sivamano vidha merugaru, thyAgarAja vinutha


Is salvation conferred on anyone in this world or is it attainable only to realised souls ? Oh, Lord ! Is it possible for one having no deep devotion for you or one without any profound knowledge in divine music to attain salvation ? Pranava or Omkara is generated from the combination of Prana or vital force and Anala or the fire. It is from Pranava, the seven notes of divine music emerge. Is salvation obtainable to those who are not able to perceive the mind of Shiva who derives indescribable pleasure from listening to the divine music of Vina !

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