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AMALAKI HERBAL Emblica Officinalis Indian Gooseberry Nutritionnaly Supports Anti-Oxydation And Rejuvenation

Part used : Fruit

Energetics : All taste but salty, mostly sour, sweet aftertaste. very cooling

Tissues : Circulatory, digestive, excretory

Systems :Work on all the 7 tissues of the body and encreases Ojas.

Actions : Nutritive tonic, rejuvenative, aphrodisiac, laxative, refrigerant, stomachic, astringent, hemostatic, anti-oxydant, immune system stimulant, anti-tumor, anti-viral

Indications : Acid dyspepsia, bleeding disorders, hemorroids, anemia, diabetes, gout, vertigo, gastritis, colitis, hepatitis, osteoporosis, constipation, biliousness, weakness of liver and spleen, premature greying an hair loss, convalescence from fever, general debility, tissue deficiency, mental disorders, palpitation, teething, obesity, poor eyesight, HIV, AIDS.

Precautions : Acute diarrhea and dysentery

Standardized Constituents : phyllembic acid, putranjivain and Vitamin C.

It is composed of the herb Amalaki, one of Ayurveda's greatest rejuvenators. It assists the new growth of tissue, blood, teeth, bones, nails and hair. Amalaki is a strong natural ant-oxydant and also helps the immune system by increasing antibodies, prostagladin, and interferon.

Amalaki, literally meaning " the sustainer ", is also highly regarded in India that every spring there is a special day on which the tree is worshipped as being divine. It is easy to see that this holiday is motivated by sheer gratitude for a fruit the has nursed an entire society throughout the year. In fact, another of its Sanskrit names is Dhatri, " the nurse of humankind ". Amalaki has been used continuously in Ayurveda for millenia, and according the Vedas, the ancient books of wisdom, it was the first tree in the Universe. It has dozens of valuable molecular constituents, such as phyllembic acid, putranjivain, and Vitamin C. Fresh Amalaki is one of the world best source of Vitamin C with up to 1400 mg of relatively heat stable vitamin C per 100 gm of fresh fruit. This vitamin C is naturally chelated with bioflavanoids and other unique molecules which increase its potency at least 10 times over synthetic Vitamin C. Recent research on Vitamin C confirms many of the traditionally known uses of Amalaki. It has been found that Vitamin C increases interferon, stimulates the immune system, is a powerful anti-oxydant (protects cells from free radical damage), helps to produce anti-stress hormones, and protects against cancer, degenerative diseases, and infections2. The list of the traditional uses of this divine fruit is incredible. Due to it's cooling nature it removes hyperacidity, hemorroids, chronic hepatitis and jaundice, excessive menstrual bleeding, chronic low grade fevers, blood impurities, baldness, graying. It is effective in colds and coughs, constipation, dysentery and diarrhea3, teething, and it also reduces chromosonal abnormalities4, kundalini disorders5, and lowers the risk of cancer6. For stomach upsets due to acid dyspepsia Amalaki after meals is a classic remedy. Additionnaly it has the ability to cure obesity, anemia, increase the red blood cell count7, decrease cholesterol and atherosclorosis8, tone the liver9, improve the eyesight, increases adrenaline, and help to remove kidney and urinary stones. Amalaki is a proven anti-viral, anti-tumor, and is even a potent anti-HIV herb due to putranjivain10. It raises the protein level in the body which is one way that it decreases obesity and helps the immune system defeat invasions of pathogens. It is excellent for children as it promotes growth and equally excellent for seniors as it inhibits aging mecanisms in the body. Since it removes excessive heat, air, and agitation in the body, and promotes coolness, clarity, and stability, it is well suited for people with fiery constitutions or aggravated and depleted conditions. Finally, because of its strong toning ability, it is useful in general debility and systemic rejuvenation. This incredible potent herb is recommended for all people.

1: Most of the technical ayurvedic information for most of the herbs, such as energetics and systems, etc, is from Frawley, D, and Lad, V, the " Yoga of Herbs ", Lotus press, Santa Fe, 1986. 2: Balch, JF, " Prescription for Nutritional Healing ", Avery, New York, 1990 3: Jain, SK, Medicinal Plants of India, Reference Publications, 1995 4: Giri, AK, at al, Cytologia, v 51, 1986, p 375-380 5: Frawley, D, Ayurvedic Healing, Motilal Banarsidas, New Delhi, 1992 6: Dhir, Haimanti, et al, Phytotherapy Research,v 4.(5), 1990 7: Journal of Ethnopharmacology, v 30, 1990, p 245-255 8: Mathur, RJ,Journal of Ethnopharmacology, v 50, 1996, p 61-68 9: Jain, SK, Medicinal Plants of India, Reference Publications, 1995 10: Kusumoto, IT, Chem. Phrm. Buletin v 43(4): p 641-648, 1995


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