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Today is Heidelberger Herbst 2001. A few sections of the hauptstrasse was suffering from terrible stau !

I had a close (sehr kurz) Hair Cut. Above picture from Muktha T Atmavilas too...

(via Muktha T Atmavilas) Surabhi : The Cultural Discovery of India


I ordered Mac OS X


Wesley Felter : If you bought $1,000 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49. If you bought $1,000 worth of Budweiser (the beer, not the stock) one year ago, drank all the beer and traded in the cans for the nickel deposit, you would have $79.

He has been conferred with a BSc. Congrats !


Mira : The real war takes place in our heads ( within us ) - The inner battle is the biggest battle each of us has to fight. It is a continuous fight against thoughts, fears, wrong ideas, desires, anger..... in order to recognize truth and to find out why we are here, who we really are, where we really want to go....Only when all these obstacles and temptations are overcome we can be free and enjoy our own being fully. What is true for the single person is also true for mankind.


We were at Europa Park



Think Shoes


Baden Baden




Koenigstuhl Bergbahn


We went to Radhadesh Belgium and back !

(via Jim) Dave : ...People don't sacrifice themselves for no reason. Let's find out what it is. And if we did something wrong (no doubt we did) let's apologize, ask for forgiveness, and then ask how we can do better. It's clear now that when we screw up we're going to feel it...


halbjahr gespraeche


My condolences to all the victims - _gimel, zayin, yud_ - _Gam zeh ya'avor_ - This too shall pass

Guardian : They can't see why they are hated : ...Americans cannot ignore what their government does abroad...

Osama bin Laden brushes teeth with Miswak stick while I use Balsara's Meswak toothpaste

Do you know what really happened ?


We met someone who was interested in wandering... Wanderungen im Gebiet des Val Chironico

Evening at Chirinoco... we were very close to Alpe Sponda

Dinner at Bar Sport, Piazza V. Emanuele 23, Cannobio (VB) Tel : 0323/70135 - L. 25.500


Visit to Goloka Dhama - Abentheuer- Boecking Str. 8, 55767

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