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On June 23, 1983 the Domain Name System, or DNS, better known as .com and .edu, was tested for the first time, passed and went online. Twenty years later, DNS, one of the largest name services in operation, is an essential component of the Internet infrastructure. It has expanded to include extensions such as .org, .gov, and .net among others. It was developed by computer scientists Paul Mockapetris and the late Jon Postel at the University of Southern California School of Engineering's Information Sciences Institute in Marina del Rey. The system was originally created as part of the pre-Internet ARPANET project the two men were working on. Postel gave Mockapetris an assignment to develop a stable system that translated the numerical codes that identified Web addresses into names that were easy for people to use and remember.

Mockapetris, currently chairman and chief scientist at IP address infrastructure software provider Nominum, and Postel, who died in 1998, worked out a plan for a system that Mockapetris developed and coded. By 1986, the initial implementation of DNS was running on all the Internet's root name servers. Earlier this year, Mockapetris was named a Visiting Scholar at the Jon Postel Center for Experimental Networking and elected to its advisory board based on his collaborative work with the late Postel on the twenty year old invention of DNS. He will focus on developing new applications for the DNS.

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